Monday, October 18, 2010

Angkor none other than the most famous non-Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom which is much smaller than for an area,

Angkor none other than the most famous non-Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom which is much smaller than for an area, commonly known as small Angkor. .far can see the guard in the moat into the dark gray walls, a history of imposing blowing. through entry into the tower within the corridor, five Santa can see, this is a symbol of Cambodia. This multi- corridor around, layer by layer up the tower base, the most surprising is that mysterious beautiful relief. most is goddess, who wore a floral, smiling, side Zhuang Xiuli. the walls above the gallery among the , window lintel, the railings of the side, they appear Herve Leger in all the places you can see.
mysterious big small Angkor Angkor mm .come, of course, can not miss the great Angkor Wat. radius of 10 square kilometers of the Wu Columbia City, commonly known as Angkor Thom, is the capital of the Khmer Empire, the last one. Here, Bayon Temple, the Temple of Pakistan, Excalibur Temple, Pan snake pool not to be missed are the beautiful promenade. .Deng Baken mountains, exquisite Banteay Srei mm .to Banteay Srei, you will notice that the Angkor Wat ticket fine carving above is from here. that fine building small size, enclosed in the enclosing walls of red sandstone grandeur.

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